Direct and immediate expected results of the project:
- Over 100 CB wine and viticulture enterprises will be supported (non-financial) from the project’s expected outputs.
- Joint CB Wine exhibitions will promote CB business cooperation.
- WINCOME pave the way for future investments which will produce tangible and visible results on wine production and viticulture. The project’s stakeholder will benefit from a great opportunity given to capitalize the project’s outputs for business development purposes.
- At least 200 new interested entrepreneurs will be educated in wine production techniques and viticulture.
- At least 20 local traditional viticulture and wine production techniques will be demonstrated on-site.
- 5 user-friendly innovative ICT tools will be developed and be available for use.
- WINCOME, will serve as best practice and contemporary business development model for Less Favoured Areas in local and regional level.
Tangible and visible expected outputs of the project:
- Multidimensional Analysis of the Wine Business Sector at the WINCOME CB Area.
- Studies (x2) concerning the External & Internal Environment of Wine Business Sector.
- Cataloguing and Commercial Evaluation of Local Wines’ Varieties (Zitsa-Amyntaio-Korce).
- Assesment of Cross-border and International Commercial Networks of Wine Products.
- Web GIS Platform of Wine Zone Varieties & Production Units (Zitsa-Amyntaio-Korce).
- Local (Zitsa-Amyntaio) & Regional (Korce) Operational Plans (x3) for the Reuse of Abandoned Vineyards.
- Spatial analysis & classification of Local Wine Production Zones (including abandoned) using Drones and ICT Mapping Tools.
- Smart Specialization/Joint Exploitation & Promotion
- Recording & Investigation of genetic variability (indigenous grape varieties, Zitsa-Amyntaio-Korce).
- Business & Financial Planning Tools (x3) of a “Smart Wine Production Unit” (Zitsa-Amyntaio-Korce).
- Pilot/demonstration projects (x3) for Smart production of grapevines’ propagating material (Zitsa-Amyntaio-Korce).
- Database Development of Best Practices on Smart Wine Production & Viticulture.
- Info-kiosks (showrooms) x3.
- Organization of 1 CB Wine Exhibition.
- Registrations to the National Intangible Heritage Indexes (UNESCO, Art.12) concerning Traditional Local Viticulture & Wine production.
- Exchange of Knowledge – Sustainability of Results
- Organization of Joint Thematic business seminars (X2).
- Organization of 4 local thematic agro-seminars (incl. on-site training).
- Sustainability studies (X2) of the Project’s Results (Greece/Albania).