On Friday, October 15, 2021, in the framework of the WINCOME project and in the tasting room of the Winery of the Agricultural Cooperative of the Wider Area of Amyntaio (ASEPA), two (2) Local Thematic Agro-seminars were held on: “Good practices, modern production techniques and smart applications of wine and viticulture “.
The purpose of the local thematic Agro-seminars was to properly prepare the interested wine producers, so that they acquire the knowledge of the exploitation of their production. Specifically, good practices, smart applications and modern production techniques in the field of wine and viticulture were presented, as they emerged from a series of deliverables and studies of the project.
In the context of the implementation of the agro-seminars, after the end of the theoretical educational part of the presentations, on-site trainings followed. The first in the cellar and tanks of ASEPA for the modern vinification and aging processes and the second in the Vineyard of ASEPA for the new methods of Viticulture.