Implementation of a Pilot / Demonstration Project of Smart Production of Propagating Propagating Material in the Municipality of Amyntaio (27.10.201)

As part of the implementation of the Act “Joint Actions to Promote Local Entrepreneurship in Less Preferred Areas in Greece and Albania in the Sector of Viticulture and Wine Production” with the acronym WINCOME, the Municipality of Amyntaio organized on Wednesday, October 27th, October 21st (ASEPA), the presentation of the pilot / Demonstration Project of Smart Production of Propagating Material of Vines, on the topic: “Techniques of production of propagating material for the cultivation of the vine”.

The presentation of the pilot project, smart production of propagating material for the cultivation of vineyards, took place in the building facilities of ASEPA and in the vineyard of the Winery.

The first module included theoretical training of the participants on the most efficient techniques of production of propagating material of vines, by experts in the field of viticulture.

Within this particular vineyard, the demonstration of the techniques of production of propagating material of vines that were applied as a pilot in the context of the implementation of the pilot project took place. Representatives of the Project Partners, as well as local stakeholders, had the opportunity to explore the techniques of producing propagating material for cultivation, in a real environment, and thus gain valuable experience based on field research.