General Information
The action entitled “Joint Promoting Actions of the Local Entrepreneurship at Greece/Albania Less Favoured Areas (LFA) on the Viticulture and Wine Production Business Sector” with the acronym “WINCOME” is part of the Specific Objective 2.2 “Improve cross border capacity to support entrepreneurship, business survival and competitiveness” under Priority Axis 2. “Boosting the local economy” and is being implemented through the European Cross-border Program INTERREG IPA II CBC PROGRAMME “Greece-Albania 2014-2020” and co-financed by the EU through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II (IPA II) (85%) and by National Resources (15%).
The economies of the GR/AL CB Less Favoured areas (LFA) diverse at all spatial scales. While agriculture is perceived as vital and proved to be the most resilient sector of the CB local economy (despite the recent economic crisis, the agriculture sector both in GR and AL increased GVA by 3,2% and 12,6% respectively), employment in other sectors is generally higher.
Αt the targeted area of the WINCOME project:
- The applied development policies, so far, do not consider the actual needs of local economies for agricultural and agro-food development. Moreover, the policies often address issues related to economic development, infrastructure & environment
- The phenomenon of agricultural abandonment at the targeted area and consequently of the concomitant economic activities is becoming widespread.
- Concerning the Economy and Labour Market such as: a) the disparities of the Project’s Beneficiaries (PBs) areas with respect to the level of economic development & labour productivity and b) the high rates of unemployment due to prolonged recession, many weaknesses are identified.
Total Budget of the project: € 420.534,49
EU Support (85%): € 357.454,32[/vc_column_text][/vc_column]